An expedition into an unknown world, The First Patient, a new medical school documentary, challenges audiences to embrace their courage and curiosity as they follow first-year medical students through gross anatomy – the dissection of the human body. The Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine granted unprecedented access to the Duncan Entertainment Group as they explore a world experienced exclusively by the medical community for centuries. The camera follows students, faculty, and body donors on the emotional and dramatic journey inside the human body. The First Patient provides dynamic insights into death, science, and spirituality as students discover what it means to be a doctor … and what it means to be a human being.
Now available through ro*co films, you can host a screening and share The First Patient with your community! You can also donate an educational license to your local school, alma mater, or organization of your choosing. Please contact Allie at for more information and she will be in touch with some creative ways to make it happen.
The link to purchase the film is: